Group Portrait Photography

Corporate Group Portraits

Group portraits are half-body or full-body photos that show your group in a particular environment. Corporate portrait photography is often used for for annual reports, websites, magazine articles, and marketing materials. Professional group shots are great for elevating your brand are perfect for when you want to show a client a bigger picture of who you are and what you do. Environmental portraits can only be taken at your location and cannot be replicated in a studio setting. I specialize in portraits and love collaborating with folks to show the dynamic range of their company’s culture and narrative. For the last 8 years, I have taken almost 100 group portraits for Chicago Magazine advertisements and would be happy to work with you to showcase your high-end branding.

Group Portrait Photography With Your Environment As The Backdrop

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and brand identity, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out and connect with their audience. While individual headshots certainly have their place, there's a compelling case to be made for the importance of group photography in enhancing your business image. Group photography goes beyond individual portraits; it captures the essence of teamwork and collaboration within your organization. Showcasing your team in a cohesive and unified manner sends a powerful message to clients and customers. It humanizes your brand, allowing potential clients to see the faces behind the products or services they are considering.

By visually representing your team together, you're reinforcing a sense of unity and shared purpose. This not only instills confidence in your clients but also fosters a positive work culture within your organization. Happy and cohesive teams often translate into improved productivity and customer satisfaction.